The University of Texas at Dallas
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Box 101 – Free data storage

Silas Vieira

June 6, 2019 allows you to keep your files in one place so you can access them anywhere from any device online or through the Box app. UTD provides Box accounts to anyone with an active UTD NetID; Box offers you 1TB of free cloud storage.

What type of files can I view in Box?

Box lets users view hundreds of file types, including popular formats like DOC, XLS, PPT, PDF, MP3, MP4, JPEG, and many more. This can be helpful when you open a file from a computer that does not have software such as Microsoft Office installed.

Can I synchronize files between two or more devices using Box?

Yes, Box offers software that can be installed on almost any computer, tablet and smartphone device to help you synchronize files.

Does Box provided by UTD allow files to be shared with users at other organizations?

Yes, as a Box user, you may enable sharing with a user at another organization. However, you are responsible for sharing files only with individuals you know to have authorization to access that material. For example, a third-party vendor may not be allowed to access confidential University data.

You can also use Box Shared Links rather than email attachments to send large files to anyone inside or outside the University – even if they do not they have a Box account. You can create a unique link to any file or folder in your Box account. Shared Links always point to the most up-to-date version of your file; when you make changes to your file, you do not need to resend the link.

What happens to my account if I leave the University?

When you leave UTD, your NetID will be disabled and you will not be able to log in to Box provided by UTD. You are responsible for moving your personally-owned data to an alternative storage service before you leave UTD. Please take care to move only your personally-owned data, not University data.

If you retire from the University, you will have access to your Box account as long as you have a UTD NetID account.

For more information, contact the Information Security Office at You can also view training and resources on the Box Community website.